Türkçe Dublaj olarak, donmadan, internet üzerinden ve reklamlara boğulmadan Film seyretmek istiyorsanız, film izleme sitemiz tam size göre.
2009 yılından bugüne faaliyet gösteren reklamsız film izleme sitemiz sizleri bekliyor, güncel olarak filmlerin eklendiği film sitemize mesala bugün eklenen en yeni filmler şunlar; Paristen Sevgilerle – From Paris with Love (Türkçe Dublaj), Artan Etki – Ripple Effect (Türkçe Dublaj), Ölümsüz – 22 Bullets (Türkçe Dublaj)
Music is found in every known culture, past and present, varying wildly between times and places.
Around 50,000 years ago, early modern humans began to disperse from Africa, reaching all the habitable continents. Since all people of the world, including the most isolated tribal groups, have a form of music, scientists conclude that music is likely to have been present in the ancestral population prior to the dispersal of humans around the world.
Consequently music may have been in existence for at least 50,000 years and the first music may have been invented in Africa and then evolved to become a fundamental constituent of human life.
This entry was posted on Friday, January 14, 2011 at 8:57 AM and is filed under Türkçe Dublaj Film seyretme. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response.